4.1 Count Your Inventory

Counting your inventory in Apicbase is necessary for a couple of reasons: first of all to keep track on what you've got in stock.

Secondly, this will help you to correct mistakes in your earlier configuration, if any.

Counting your inventory on a regular basis will give you very interesting insights into your stock history, which will help you improve your business, eliminate food waste and thus increase your profit margins!

NEW! The Barcode Scanner App allows you to count your inventory by scanning the barcodes of your products. Scan, enter the counted quantity and move on to the next product. Click here to install the app now!


Video 1: How to count your inventory in the software


Video 2: How to count your inventory with the Barcode Scanner App


Start counting your inventory

It's imperative that you have completed previous training sessions before you attempt to complete this.

Follow the steps in video 1 to learn how you can count your inventory in Apicbase. If you are using the Barcode Scanner app, then watch video 2.

If you need detailed information, you can always check out these articles in our Knowledge Base: 

Count Your Inventory